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Études Francophones Vol. 35
Études Francophones Vol. 35

Études Francophones Vol. 35

$15.00 USD

Only 2 left!


Now back in print as of Volume 35!

About Volume 35:

Although the popular image of French language in Louisiana has been one in steep decline since the late nineteenth century, recent decades have revealed dynamic cultural production in literature, education, and media, as well as an opening to the French-speaking world. This diversity of identifications and the manner in which they overlap, combine, and remain distinct, is an integral part of the landscape of contemporary French Louisiana. More broadly, this issue seeks to question the way in which the singularity of French Louisiana and regionalist claims are situated in a quest for legitimacy and for national and international recognition. This special issue brings together articles that explore and examine the plurality of francophone identities in Louisiana, their contemporary reconfigurations, as well as their place in the United States and the world.

About Études Francophones, A refereed scholarly journal devoted to Francophone Studies

Fondée en 1986 par l’Université de Louisiane à Lafayette, la revue Études Francophones (anciennement Revue Francophone de Louisiane, puis Revue Francophone) a pour objectif de promouvoir et de diffuser la réflexion critique dans les domaines de la littérature, des arts (notamment visuels), et de la culture des pays francophones. Études Francophones paraît deux fois par an (automne et printemps), sauf en cas de numéro double. 

Tous les articles soumis à Études Francophones font l’objet d’un processus d’évaluation critique par des pairs. La revue publie des livraisons non thématiques et des numéros thématiques placés sous la responsabilité de rédacteurs invités. La direction invite les chercheurs à soumettre des propositions de dossiers thématiques.

The scholarly peer-reviewed journal Études Francophones was founded in 1986 by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in order to provide a forum and to promote research pertaining to the Francophone world, its literatures, arts, and culture. Études Francophones appears twice per year (in spring and fall) except in the case of double issues. 

All submissions to Études Francophones are subject to peer review. The journal publishes issues that are either open topic or on a special topic; the latter are typically guest edited. The general editor invites scholars to submit proposals for special topics issues.

Produced by UL Press

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