A Celebration of Francophone Youth Literature in Louisiana!
Join us for this exciting French book festival in New Orleans, Lafayette,
and Baton Rouge where we bring together authors, illustrators, and educators from across the Francophone world to
promote French language and youth literature. Perfect for families, educators, and children attending French
immersion schools
in Louisiana, the festival offers interactive workshops, book signings, storytelling sessions, and a bilingual literature showcase.
With a strong focus on French immersion education and promoting Francophone culture in Louisiana, My
French Book Fest is a unique opportunity to deepen your connection to Louisiana’s French heritage. Don’t miss out on this
immersive experience in Francophone culture, right here in New Orleans!
Join us for the third edition of My French Book Fest, the premier youth
literature festival
in French, all across Louisiana! This exciting event is brought to you by the Consulate General of France in Louisiana
and Villa Albertine, in partnership with the Alliance Française de la Nouvelle-Orléans. From
engaging author talks and interactive workshops to immersive storytelling, this festival
brings the magic of French youth literature to life. Whether you're a French speaker, student, teacher, or Francophile at heart, there's
something for everyone!
Louisiana's deep-rooted Francophile history and rich culture make it the perfect setting for this celebration of
French language
and literature. Louisiana boasts a vibrant network of 45 French immersion schools, over 5,500 students, and 115
teachers supported by France’s Ministry of National Education.
Objectives :
Promoting youth reading in French
Decomplexing the approach to reading in French for children
Promote synergies between book stakeholders in Louisiana
Open to the diversity of the French-speaking world: presence of Quebec, Acadian, French publications and
authors, Louisianans and Guadeloupeans
Key numbers- 2023 edition
2169 students reached
122 classes
13 schools
20 guests
25 partners
My French Book Fest 2024,troisième
éditiondu festival de littérature jeunesse en français de la
Nouvelle Orléans est une initiative du
Consulat Général de France en Louisiane et de la Villa Albertine,
en partenariat avecl’Alliance
Française de la Nouvelle Orléans.Par son histoire et sa culture, la Louisiane est résolument francophile. La pratique du français y est
entretenue par un réseau de 45
écoles d’immersion,
qui accueillent5,500 élèveset 115 professeurs détachés du Ministère de
l’Education Nationale.
Objectifs du festival :
Promouvoir la lecture jeunesse en français
Décomplexer l’approche de la lecture en français pour les enfants
Favoriser des synergies entre les acteurs du livre en Louisiane
Ouvrir à la diversité de la francophonie : présence d’éditions et d’auteurs québecois, acadiens, français,
louisianais et guadeloupéens
Objectifs du festival :
Promouvoir la lecture jeunesse en français
Décomplexer l’approche de la lecture en français pour les enfants
Favoriser des synergies entre les acteurs du livre en Louisiane
Ouvrir à la diversité de la francophonie : présence d’éditions et d’auteurs québecois, acadiens, français,
louisianais et guadeloupéens
Chiffres clés- édition 2023
2169 élèves touchés
122 classes
13 écoles
20 intervenants
25 partenaires
Quart d’Heure de Lecture
Quarter hour of reading
Monday 4 nov. 10:00am
Everywhere online
The principle is very simple: Monday November 4 at 10:00 a.m. (or other convenient time in your school
calendar) take a 15 minute break to read a book in French!
Post your photos on your school's social media by tagging us with @franceinlouisiana
and @afneworelans and use hashtags #afneworleans #mfbf2024 #MyFrenchBookFest.
Classes with the best photos will win new French books!
Le principe est très simple : le lundi 4 novembre à 10h00 (ou autre
heure convenant à votre calendrier scolaire) faites une pause de15 minutes pour lire un livre en français !
Postez vos photos sur les réseaux sociaux des vos écoles en nous taguant avec les@franceinlouisianaet @afneworleans et#afneworleans #mfbf2024 #MyFrenchBookFest.
Les classes ayant réalisé les meilleures photos gagneront des livres!
New Orleans
6 nov.
The Garden District Book Shop
2727 Prytania St, New Orleans, LA 70130
7-9 nov.
Alliance Française de la Nouvelle-Orléans
1519 Jackon Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70130
Center for Louisiana Studies at the Roy House
1204 Johnston St, Lafayette, LA 70503
Monday Family Day
November 11, 4:30-7:30pm
Bring the whole family to enjoy the dynamic offerings of My French Book Fest! Enjoy the French Book fair,
exhibits, workshops, storytelling, and more!
Bâton rouge
Baton Rouge
15-16 nov.
West Baton Rouge Museum
845 N Jefferson Ave, Port Allen, LA 70767
Friday Historical Happy Hour concert series
November 15, 2024 from 6-8 PM
This month’s Happy Hour will feature Bruce “Sunpie” Barnes and his band, the Louisiana Sunspots. This
Louisiana native musician creates a dynamic blend of zydeco with blues and traditional Caribbean music, and often sings in Louisiana
Creole. His concert is planned to compliment My French Book Fest and the exhibit,Haitian Art: The Jacques Bartoli Collection.
Saturday Family Day
November 16, 10:00am-4:30pm
Bring the whole family to enjoy the dynamic offerings of My French Book Fest! Enjoy the French Book fair,
exhibits, workshops, storytelling, and more!
Concert - Ashley Orlando
2:00-4:00pm Ashley Orlando is more than a jazz vocalist and ukulele artist. She's a joyologist. A breath of fresh air.
A charismatic leader and community builder who helps high-achieving women step into their full voice & power to boost their
performance, improve their wellbeing and strengthen their relationships.
Exhibit: Haitian Art: The Jacques Bartoli Collection
The West Baton Rouge Museum is pleased to announce its upcoming exhibit, Haitian Art: The Jacques Bartoli Collection,
on view from November 2, 2024-January 26, 2025. This exhibit is a celebration of all things Haitian art, and will be on
display in both the Whitehead and Brick Galleries. Art collector, Jacques Bartoli, prides himself on the long-term relationships he has
built with local artists, curating a collection that includes paintings, sculptures, and sacred
art flags.
His art collection has been on view at the Grand Palais in Paris, the University of Los Angeles in California, the city de Suresnes in
France, the Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, the American Natural History Museum in New York, the Lloyd Museum in Chicago, and now the
West Baton Rouge Museum in Port Allen. Take a deep dive into Haitian culture through the vibrant colors and impactful
of the people and places that make up this one-of-a-kind collection.
New Orleans Nov. 8
1519 Jackson Ave.
Alliance Française
This interactive, musical, and ecological performance kicks off with an exploration of the beauty and marvels
of nature
in eastern France, as well as the importance of preserving it. Scott, a small extraterrestrial robot, is
dispatched from his planet and crash-lands dramatically onto the stage. Reconstructed as a puppet crafted from tin cans,
Scott appears on screen as a character, engaging with the audience and Etienne.
The environmental concerns on Earth today mirror those faced on his planet millennia ago, allowing Scott to
educate children on the importance of preserving our planet. Etienne then translates Scott's teachings into
musical performances,
creating a captivating blend of instruments crafted live before the audience's eyes. Some lucky children even get
to participate
in playing these instruments!
Le musicien et conteur français Etienne Sibille jouera sa comédie musicale « La Note de Scott », qui met
l'accent sur la protection de l'environnement, et animera des ateliers artistiques basés sur son livre dans les écoles
d'immersion locales.
Scott, un petit-robot extraterrestre, est envoyé en urgence pour expliquer aux enfants comment protéger
notre planète. Avec l'aide d'Etienne, il utilise des marionnettes et des instruments de musique créés en direct pour illustrer
ses conseils.
New Orleans Nov. 8-9 Fri. 8th 5:30-7:30
Sat. 9th 10am-3pm
1519 Jackson Ave.
Alliance Française
Lafayette Nov. 11
1204 Johnston St.
Historic Roy House
Baton Rouge Nov. 16
845 N Jefferson Ave, Port Allen, LA
West Baton Rouge Museum
We're thrilled to announce that Capitaine Acadie will be part of My French Book Fest
2024 in New Orleans, celebrating Louisiana's vibrant Francophonie. Co-authors Dany and Daniel Bouffard will host workshops
in New Orleans, Lafayette, in French immersion schools, and offer book signings for festival attendees.
Visitors can also enjoy the traveling exhibit, "L'Acadie s’expose," an augmented reality experience
that explores Acadian history and key figures. After the festival, the exhibit will tour Louisiana, stopping in New Orleans, Lafayette,
and Baton Rouge.
Stay tuned for the 2025 release of Capitaine Acadie: Chicane en Louisiane, a 64-page
bilingual comic book highlighting Louisiana’s heritage and the Acadian legacy, featuring an epic battle with the legendary Parlangua.
Capitaine Acadie, un super-héros de bande dessinée francophone créé par Dany et Daniel Bouffard, prendra
vie à travers une exposition en réalité augmentée, offrant au publique une expérience immersive et interactive.
French author and illustrator Anne-Lise Boutin received the Albertine Jeunesse Prize in 2024 for her
illustrations in the album “Les frères Zzli”.
L’autrice et illustratrice française Anne-Lise Boutin a reçu le prix Albertine Jeunesse en 2024 pour ses
illustrations dans l’album « Les frères Zzli ».
Dany & Daniel Bouffard
Acadie, Canada
Acadian authors Dany and Daniel Bouffard will introduce students to comic book design through creative
workshops based on his innovative and interactive comic book series “Capitaine Acadie”.
L'auteurs acadiens Dany et Daniel Bouffard initiera les élèves à la conception de BD par le biais
d'ateliers créatifs basés sur sa série de bande dessinée innovante et interactive « Capitaine Acadie ».
Vickie Frémont
French-Cameroonian author and designer Vickie Frémont will host storytelling sessions and artistic workshops
inspired by her book “The Hummingbird Project: Creating from Nothing”.
L’autrice et designer franco-camerounaise Vickie Frémont animera des séances de conte et des ateliers
artistiques inspirés de son livre “Le Projet Colibri : Créer à partir de rien”.
Julia Bourdet, author and illustrator currently in residence at the Villa Albertine, crosses the United States
by bike and train to meet eco-feminist activists. She will lead outdoor drawing workshops in immersion schools to raise children's
awareness of the nature around them. They will thus produce a small collective book.
Julia Bourdet, autrice et dessinatrice actuellement en résidence à la Villa Albertine, traverse les Etats-Unis
à vélo et en train pour aller à la rencontre d'activistes éco-féministes. Elle animera des ateliers de dessin en extérieur dans les
écoles d'immersion pour sensibiliser les enfants à la nature qui les entoure. Ils réaliseront ainsi un petit livre collectif.
étienne sybille
Lorraine, France
French musician and storyteller Etienne Sibille will perform his musical "La Note de Scott," which
focuses on environmental protection, and will lead art workshops based on his book at local immersion schools.
Le musicien et conteur français Etienne Sibille jouera sa comédie musicale « La Note de Scott », qui met
l'accent sur la protection de l'environnement, et animera des ateliers artistiques basés sur son livre dans les écoles
d'immersion locales.
kirby jambon
Louisiana, USA
Kirby Jambon, a veteran French immersion teacher, author and artist from Louisiana, will captivate students
with a theatrical performance celebrating Francophone and Acadian identities.
Kirby Jambon, un enseignant chevronné des écoles d’immersion française, auteur et artiste originaire de
Louisiane, captivera les élèves avec une performance théâtrale célébrant les identités francophones et acadiennes.
victor dixen
Author of the best-selling series for teens "Vampyria", Victor Dixen will lead workshops for primary
and secondary school students, inspired by his new novel "Agence Perdido" and his comic strip "Les Licorniers".
Auteur de la série best-seller pour ados «Vampyria», Victor Dixen animera des ateliers pour les élèves du
primaire et du secondaire, inspirés de son nouveau roman « Agence Perdido» et de sa bande dessinée «Les Licorniers ».
Strasbourg, France
Children's author and illustrator Elisa Géhin will offer graphic experimentation workshops based on her
books to immersion school students. Her albums with their sparkling illustrations are particularly accessible to kindergarten
L’autrice et illustratrice jeunesse Elisa Géhin proposera aux élèves des écoles d’immersion des ateliers
d’expérimentation graphique autour de ses livres. Ses albums aux illustrations pétillantes sont particulièrement accessibles aux élèves
de maternelle.
Didyer Mannette
Didyer Mannette, author and publisher at Éditions Nèg Mawon, will lead poetry workshops inspired by his work
on Creole and Caribbean identity, language and culture.
Didyer Mannette, auteur et éditeur aux Éditions Nèg Mawon, animera des ateliers de poésie inspirés de son
travail sur l'identité, la langue et la culture créoles et caribéennes.
Amandine Velin
Amandine Vélin, children's book author and storyteller, originally from Guadeloupe, will invite students
to explore Creole culture and identity through captivating readings of her books and collaborative workshops.
Amandine Vélin, autrice de livres jeunesse et conteuse, originaire de la Guadeloupe, invitera les élèves à
explorer la culture et l'identité créoles par le biais de lectures captivantes de ses livres et d'ateliers collaboratifs.
André Poulin
Ottawa, Canada
Canadian writer from Orleans, Ontario, she worked as a journalist before becoming a full-time writer.She
has been awarded the literary prize offered by Le Droit in the youth literature category four times.Her books were
finalists for Hackmatack Book Awards in 2005, 2006 and 2011.
Écrivaine canadienne originaire d'Orléans, en Ontario, elle a travaillé comme journaliste avant
de devenir écrivain à temps plein. Elle a reçu quatre fois le prix littéraire offert par Le Droit dans la catégorie littérature
jeunesse. Ses livres ont été finalistes des Hackmatack Book Awards en 2005, 2006 et 2011.
A trained psychologist and theater woman, Manick SIAR-TITECA is also the designer and director of the Publishing House "Une
Voix...Une Histoire", the 1st audiobook platform in the Caribbean dedicated to Literature and Authors Caribbeans.
Psychologue de formation et femme de théâtre, Manick SIAR-TITECA est également la conceptrice et directrice de
la Maison d'Editions "Une Voix...Une Histoire", la 1ère plateforme de livre audio de la Caraïbe dédiée à la Littérature et aux Auteurs